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Cameron Sisters, The (1915)
Camille (1915/I)
Campaña constitucionalista (1915)
Campbells Are Coming, The (1915)
Can You Beat It? (1915)
Canada's Fighting Forces (1915)
Canceled Mortgage, The (1915)
Candidate's Past, The (1915)
Cannibal King (1915)
Cannon Ball, The (1915)
Cap'n Eri (1915)
Capers of College Chaps (1915)
Capestro degli Asburgo, Il (1915)
Capitulation of the Major, The (1915)
Caprices of Kitty, The (1915)
Captain Courtesy (1915)
Captain Fracasse (1915)
Captain Kidd and Ditto (1915)
Captain Macklin (1915)
Captain of Villainy, A (1915)
Captivating Mary Carstairs (1915)
Captive, The (1915)
Capturing Bad Bill (1915)
Capturing the Crook (1915)
Card Players, The (1915)
Cards Never Lie, The (1915)
Careless Anarchist, The (1915)
Caretaker's Dilemma, The (1915)
Carl und Carla (1915)
Carmen (1915/I)
Carmen (1915/II)
Carpet from Bagdad, The (1915)
Cartoons in a Sanitarium (1915)
Cartoons in a Seminary (1915)
Cartoons in the Country (1915)
Cartoons in the Hotel (1915)
Cartoons in the Kitchen (1915)
Cartoons in the Laundry (1915)
Cartoons in the Parlor (1915)
Cartoons on a Yacht (1915)
Cartoons on Tour (1915)
Casa di nessuno, La (1915)
Case of Beans, A (1915)
Case of Becky, The (1915)
Case of Eugenics, A (1915)
Case of Poison, A (1915)
Cash Parrish's Pal (1915)
Casimir en permission de six jours (1915)
Cast Up by the Sea (1915)
Castello del fuoco, Il (1915)
Castle (1915)
Castle of Thornfield, The (1915)
Castle Ranch, The (1915)
Catching a Speeder (1915)
Cats (1915)
Cats, Cash and a Cook Book (1915)
Cattle Queen's Romance, A (1915)
Caught (1915)
Caught by a Thread (1915)
Caught by the Handle (1915)
Caught in a Kilt (1915)
Caught in a Park (1915)
Caught in the Act (1915)
Caught with the Goods (1915/I)
Caught with the Goods (1915/II)
Cave Man, The (1915/I)
Cave on Thunder Cloud, The (1915)
Caza a été expulsé (1915)
Caza vient d'épouser Paulette (1915)
Caza, amateur de violons anciens (1915)
Ce qu'on voit (1915)
Ce que femme veut (1915)
Celebrated Scandal, The (1915)
Celeste (1915)
Celestial Code, The (1915)
Cellar Spy, The (1915)
Cello Champion, The (1915)
Celui qui reste (1915)
Celui qui reste au logis (1915)
Cenciaiuoli del secondo quartiere, I (1915)
Cento H.P. (1915)
Ceremonial Turquoise, The (1915)
Ceux de chez nous (1915)
Chadford Diamonds, The (1915)
Chalice of Courage, The (1915)
Champagne de Rigadin, Le (1915)
Champion Process Server, The (1915)
Champion, The (1915)
Change in Lovers, A (1915)
Change of Luck, A (1915)
Changed Lives (1915)
Charity Ann (1915)
Charley's Aunt (1915)
Charley, der Wunderaffe (1915)
Chase by Moonlight, A (1915)
Chasing the Limited (1915)
Cheat, The (1915)
Check No. 130 (1915)
Checking Charlie's Child (1915)
Checkmate (1915)
Cheese Industry, The (1915)
Chef at Circle G, The (1915)
Chef's Revenge, The (1915)
Cheval Mystery, The (1915)
Chez le coiffeur (1915)
Chicken Hearted (1915)
Chief Inspector, The (1915)
Chief's Goat, The (1915)
Chiefly Concerning Males (1915)
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