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Corsican Brothers, The (1898)
Corvée de quartier accidentée (1898)
Country Boarders Locked Out (1898)
Country Couple's Visit to an Art Gallery, A (1898)
Countryman and Mischievous Boys (1898)
County Democracy (1898)
Court Martial (1898)
Courtship Under Difficulties (1898)
Crew of the 'Yankee' (1898)
Crew of the Battleship Texas (1898)
Cripple Creek Float (1898)
Crossing the Line (1898)
Cruiser 'Brooklyn' (1898/I)
Cruiser 'Brooklyn' (1898/II)
Cruiser 'Cincinnati' (1898)
Cruiser 'Detroit' (1898)
Cruiser 'Marblehead' (1898)
Cruiser 'Minneapolis' (1898)
Cruiser 'Montgomery' (1898)
Cruiser Columbia (1898)
Cruiser Marblehead (1898)
Cruiser New York (1898)
Crèche à Bethléem, La (1898)
Créations spontanées (1898)
Cuban Ambush (1898)
Cuban Patriots (1898)
Cuban Reconcentrados (1898)
Cuban Refugees Waiting for Rations (1898)
Cuban Volunteers (1898)
Cuban Volunteers Embarking (1898)
Cuban Volunteers Marching for Rations (1898)
Cubans Drilling, Manual of Arms (1898)
Cubans Sharpening Their Machetes (1898)
Cuirassé Maine, Le (1898)
Cène, La (1898)
Cabinet de Méphistophélès, Le (1897)
Cambrioleurs, Les (1897)
Camp of Zingari Gypsies, A (1897)
Cancan 1 (1897)
Cancan 2 (1897)
Capsize of Lifeboat (1897)
Carmencita (1897)
Catching a Runaway Team (1897)
Cattle Driven to Slaughter (1897)
Cauchemar, Le (1897)
Caught Napping (1897)
Cavalry Charge (1897/I)
Cavalry Charge (1897/II)
Cavalry Horses at Play (1897)
Cavalry Musical Drill (1897)
Cavalry Passing in Review (1897)
Champion Rolla O. Heikes, Breaking the Record at Flying Targets with Winchester Shotgun (1897)
Changing Guard (Berlin) (1897)
Charge des Guides à la plaine d'Eterbeek (1897)
Charge of Hungarian Hussars (1897)
Charge of the French Cuirassieurs (1897)
Charge, Through Intervals of Skirmishes (1897)
Charity Ball (1897)
Chas. Werts, Acrobat (1897)
Chegada do Comboio Inaugural à Estação Central do Porto, A (1897)
Chegada do Rebocador 'Liberal' ao Porto de Leixões e o Desembarque de Romeiros Que, por Mar, Vão ao Porto para a Romaria do Senhor de Matosinhos, A (1897)
Chez le magnétiseur (1897)
Chicken Farm, A (1897)
Chicken Thieves (1897)
Children Paddling at the Seaside (1897)
Children Playing with Fish (1897)
Children's Carnival in Germany, A (1897)
Children's Toilet (1897)
Chirurgien américain (1897)
Christmas Eve (1897)
Christmas Morning (1897)
Christmas Tree Party, The (1897)
Chutes, Les (1897)
Cigale et la fourmi, La (1897)
Clarence House Lawn Party, The (1897)
Classe, En (1897)
Cocher de fiacre endormi, Le (1897)
Cocoanut Fair (1897)
Coldstream Guards, The (1897)
Columbia Bicycle Factory (1897)
Columbia School Girls (1897)
Combat dans une rue aux Indes (1897)
Combat naval en Grèce (1897)
Comboio de Recreio e Sintra, O (1897)
Comboio do Douro (1897)
Comedy Cake Walk (1897)
Comic Face (1897)
Comic Shaving (1897)
Concours de boules (1897)
Concours hippique de Tervuren (1897)
Concours hippique in Berlin (1897)
Congolais à Tervueren, Les (1897)
Coon Cake Walk, A (1897)
Corbett-Fitzsimmons Fight, The (1897)
Corcoran Cadets, Washington (1897)
Cornell-Yale-Harvard Boat-Race (1897)
Corner Madison and State Streets, Chicago (1897)
Corrida de Sacos no Campo Grande (1897)
Corrida entera de toros por la cuadrilla de Ponciano Perez (1897)
Cortège arabe (1897)
Cortège de la mi-carême (1897)
Cortège du boeuf gras boulevard des Italiens (1897)
Cortège du boeuf gras passant Place de la Concorde (1897)
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