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Chi per la patria muor... (1916)
Chicken-Hearted Jim (1916)
Chickens (1916)
Chignon d'or (1916)
Child of Circumstances, A (1916)
Child of Destiny, The (1916)
Child of Mystery, A (1916)
Child of the Paris Streets, A (1916)
Child of the Streets, A (1916)
Child of the West, The (1916)
Childhood's Happy Days (1916)
Children in the House, The (1916)
Children of the Feud (1916)
Children Pay, The (1916)
Children Shall Pay, The (1916)
Children's Paradise (1916)
Chimney Sweep, The (1916)
Chinatown Villains (1916)
Chinese Cook, The (1916)
Chinesische Götze - Das unheimliche Haus, 3. Teil, Der (1916)
Chip Off the Old Block, A (1916)
Chip's Backyard Barnstormers (1916)
Chip's Carmen (1916)
Chip's Elopement (1916)
Chip's Rivals (1916)
Chouchou (1916)
Christophe Colomb (1916)
Christus (1916)
Ciccio il pizzaiolo del Carmine (1916)
Ciclone, Il (1916)
Ciklámen (1916)
Cinders (1916)
Cinders of Love (1916)
Circle of Death, The (1916)
Circular Room, The (1916)
Circumstantial Evidence (1916)
Circumstantial Guilt (1916)
Circumstantial Justice (1916)
Circus Romance, A (1916)
Citizens All (1916)
City of Failing Light, The (1916)
City of Illusion, The (1916)
City of London (1916)
City's Milk Supply, A (1916)
City, The (1916)
Civilization (1916)
Civilization of the Far East (1916)
Civilization's Child (1916)
Clarion, The (1916)
Clarita y Peladilla en el Football (1916)
Claudia (1916)
Clever Collie's Come-Back, A (1916)
Clever Mrs. Carter, The (1916)
Climax, The (1916)
Climbing the Austrian Alps (1916)
Close Call, A (1916)
Closed Road, The (1916)
Clouds in Sunshine Valley (1916)
Clown, The (1916)
Club dei tredici, Il (1916)
Code Letter, The (1916)
Code of His Ancestors, The (1916)
Code of Honor, The (1916)
Code of Marcia Gray, The (1916)
Code of the Hills, The (1916)
Code of the Mounted, The (1916)
Coeur de Française (1916)
Coeur de Gavroche (1916)
Coeur du mal, Le (1916)
Coffee Culture (1916)
Coffre-fort, Le (1916)
Cold Feet Getaway, The (1916)
Cold Hearts and Hot Flames (1916)
Collana della felicità, La (1916)
College Boomerang, A (1916)
Collin et Willy (1916)
Colonel Bontemps, Le (1916)
Colonel Heeza Liar and the Bandits (1916)
Colonel Heeza Liar and the Pirates (1916)
Colonel Heeza Liar at the Vaudeville Show (1916)
Colonel Heeza Liar Captures Villa (1916)
Colonel Heeza Liar Gets Married (1916)
Colonel Heeza Liar on Strike (1916)
Colonel Heeza Liar Plays Hamlet (1916)
Colonel Heeza Liar Wins the Pennant (1916)
Colonel Heeza Liar's Bachelor Quarters (1916)
Colonel Heeza Liar's Courtship (1916)
Colonel Heeza Liar's Vacation (1916)
Colonel Heeza Liar's Waterloo (1916)
Colonel Heeza Liar, Hobo (1916)
Colored American Winning His Suit, The (1916)
Combat, The (1916)
Come le foglie (1916)
Come mori Miss Cavell (1916)
Come On, The (1916)
Come-Back, The (1916)
Comet's Come-Back, The (1916)
Comin' Thro the Rye (1916)
Committee on Credentials, The (1916)
Common Ground (1916)
Common Law, The (1916)
Common Sense Brackett (1916)
Como aquel día (1916)
Comrades (1916/I)
Concerning $1000 (1916)
Concerning One Thousand Dollars (1916)
Condemnation, The (1916)
Conductor Kate (1916)
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