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Child in Judgment, A (1915)
Child Needed a Mother, The (1915)
Child of God, A (1915)
Child of the North, A (1915)
Child of the Prairie, A (1915)
Child of the Sea, A (1915)
Child of the Surf, A (1915)
Child, the Dog and the Villain, The (1915)
Children of Chance (1915)
Children of Eve (1915)
Children of the Ghetto (1915)
Children of the Sea (1915)
Chills and Chickens (1915)
Chimmie Fadden (1915)
Chimmie Fadden Out West (1915)
Chimney's Secret, The (1915)
China (1915)
Chinatown Mystery, The (1915)
Chinatown Pictures (1915)
Chinese Lottery, The (1915)
Chip Off the Old Block, A (1915/I)
Chip Off the Old Block, A (1915/II)
Chocolate Soldier, The (1915)
Choir Boys, The (1915)
Chorus Lady, The (1915)
Christian, The (1915)
Christmas Memories (1915)
Christmas Revenge, A (1915)
Chronicles of Bloom Center, The (1915)
Cigarette - That's All, A (1915)
Cinema Girl's Romance, A (1915)
Cinema Struck (1915)
Cipher Key, The (1915)
Circular Path, The (1915)
Circular Staircase, The (1915)
Circumstantial Scandal (1915)
Circus Girl's Romance, The (1915)
Circus Mary (1915)
Circus, The (1915)
Cissy's Innocent Wink (1915)
City of Terrible Night, The (1915)
City Rube, A (1915)
Claim of Honor, The (1915)
Clairvoyant Swindlers, The (1915)
Claremont Theatre, N.Y. (1915)
Clarence Cheats at Croquet (1915)
Clarissa's Charming Calf (1915)
Clarita y Peladilla van a los toros (1915)
Classe 1935, La (1915)
Clean Slate, A (1915)
Clean-Up, The (1915)
Cleaning Time (1915)
Clemenceau Case, The (1915)
Cliff Girl, The (1915)
Climbers, The (1915)
Close-Cropped Clippings (1915)
Closed Door, The (1915)
Closing Chapter, The (1915)
Closing Net, The (1915)
Closing of the Circuit (1915)
Clothes Count (1915)
Clothes Make the Man (1915)
Club Man, The (1915)
Club of Pharos, The (1915)
Clubman's Wager, The (1915)
Clue of the Cigar Band, The (1915)
Clue of the Portrait, The (1915)
Clue, The (1915)
Clutch of Circumstances, The (1915)
Clutch of the Emperor, The (1915)
Coal King, The (1915)
Coals of Fire (1915)
Coat Tale, A (1915)
Coat's a Coat, A (1915)
Cock o' the Walk (1915)
Cohen's Luck (1915)
Coiffeur par amour (1915)
Coincidence (1915)
Col bleu, Le (1915)
Colei che doveva morire (1915)
College Days (1915)
College Orphan, The (1915)
College Widow, The (1915)
Collier de perles, Le (1915)
Collingsby Pearls, The (1915)
Colomba (1915)
Colonel Carter of Cartersville (1915)
Colonel Heeza Liar and the Torpedo (1915)
Colonel Heeza Liar and the Zeppelin (1915)
Colonel Heeza Liar at the Bat (1915)
Colonel Heeza Liar at the Front (1915)
Colonel Heeza Liar Foils the Enemy (1915)
Colonel Heeza Liar in the Haunted Castle (1915)
Colonel Heeza Liar in the Trenches (1915)
Colonel Heeza Liar Invents a New Kind of Shell (1915)
Colonel Heeza Liar Runs the Blockade (1915)
Colonel Heeza Liar Signs the Pledge (1915)
Colonel Heeza Liar, Aviator (1915)
Colonel Heeza Liar, Dog Fancier (1915)
Colonel Heeza Liar, Ghost Breaker (1915)
Colonel Heeza Liar, Nature Faker (1915)
Colonel Heeza Liar, War Dog (1915)
Colonel Steel, Master Gambler (1915)
Colorado (1915)
Colored Villainy (1915)
Colpa altrui (1915)
Combination, The (1915)
Come Back of Percy, The (1915)
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