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Phrénologie burlesque, La (1901)
Physical Training (1901)
Piccadilly Circus, London, England (1901)
Picturesque Yosemite (1901)
Pie, Tramp and the Bulldog (1901)
Pigeon Farm at Los Angeles, Cal. (1901)
Pine Ridge Bluffs (1901)
Piqueurs de futs, Les (1901)
Pista de bicicletas para niños en Barcelona (1901)
Plongeur fantastique (1901)
Poisoning the Well (1901)
Pole Vaulting (1901)
Pouting Model, The (1901)
President McKinley and Escort Going to the Capitol (1901)
President McKinley at the Buffalo Exposition (1901)
President McKinley Reviewing the Troops at the Pan-American Exposition (1901)
President McKinley Taking the Oath (1901)
President McKinley's Funeral Cortege at Buffalo, New York (1901)
President McKinley's Funeral Cortege at Washington, D.C. (1901)
President McKinley's Speech at the Pan-American Exposition (1901)
President Roosevelt at the Army-Navy Game (1901)
President Roosevelt at the Canton Station (1901)
President Roosevelt Entering Grounds at Army-Navy Football Game (1901)
Preston Egg Rolling (1901)
Prison Bars (1901)
Prize Winners at the Country Fair (1901)
Professional Handicap Bicycle Race (1901)
Propylaea and North End of Plaza, Pan. Am. Exp. (1901)
Pulling Wool (1901)
Puzzled Bather and His Animated Clothes, The (1901)
Palace of Electricity (1900)
Palace of Navigation (1900)
Palais étrangers (1900)
Pan-American Exposition (1900)
Panorama circulaire (1900)
Panorama de Barcelona: monumentos y fiestas (1900)
Panorama from the Moving Boardwalk (1900)
Panorama of Both Sides of the River Seine (1900)
Panorama of East Galveston (1900)
Panorama of Eiffel Tower (1900)
Panorama of Galveston Power House (1900)
Panorama of Gorge Railway (1900)
Panorama of Naples (1900)
Panorama of Orphans' Home, Galveston (1900)
Panorama of Paris Exposition, from the Seine (1900)
Panorama of Place de l'Opéra (1900)
Panorama of the Moving Boardwalk (1900)
Panorama of the Paris Exposition No. 1 (1900)
Panorama of the Paris Exposition No. 2 (1900)
Panorama of the Paris Exposition No. 3 (1900)
Panorama of the Paris Exposition, from the Seine (1900)
Panorama of Wreckage of Water Front (1900)
Panorama pris du trottoir roulant Champ de Mars (1900)
Panoramic View of Burning Wharves and Warehouses [Hoboken] (1900)
Panoramic View of Newport (1900)
Panoramic View of Rome (1900)
Panoramic View of State Street (1900)
Panoramic View of the Champs Elysees (1900)
Panoramic View of the Place de la Concorde (1900)
Panoramic View of Tremont Hotel, Galveston (1900)
Panoramic View, Rescue Work, Galveston (1900)
Panoramic View, Wreckage Along Shore, Galveston (1900)
Parade of Naval Veterans, The (1900)
Parade of the Order of Elks in Atlantic City (1900)
Paris Exposition (1900/I)
Paris Exposition (1900/II)
Paris Exposition (1900/III)
Paris Exposition (1900/IV)
Pas de grâce (1900)
Pas des éventails (1900)
Pas du poignard (1900)
Pas Japonais (1900)
Pasaje en un tren (1900)
Paseo en la alameda (1900)
Patineurs, Les (1900)
Pavillon des armées de terre et de mer (1900)
Paysanne, La (1900)
Perfect Woman, The (1900)
Petite magicienne, La (1900)
Philadelphia Lodge, No. 2, B.P.O. Elks (1900)
Philadelphia's Pride (1900)
Phrosine and Meledore (1900)
Pierrot's Problem, or How to Make a Fat Wife Out of Two Lean Ones (1900)
Playing Soldier (1900)
Plongeurs (1900)
Plucked from the Burning (1900)
Pluto and the Imp (1900)
Pneumatic Tools (1900)
Polichinelle, Le (1900)
Political Discussion, A (1900)
Polo Game: Myopia vs. Dedham (1900)
Pont d'Iéna (1900)
Porte monumentale, La (1900)
Poupée noire, La (1900)
President McKinley Laying Corner Stone (1900)
Prince of Darkness, The (1900)
Prisoner in the Chinese Pillory in the Streets of Tien Tsin (1900)
Prisonnier recalcitrant, Le (1900)
Prize Fight or Glove Contest Between John Bull and President Kruger (1900)
Prize-Winning Coaches (1900)
Promenaders, The (1900)
Public Square, Cleveland (1900)
Paa strøget udenfor ranchs ur (1899)
Paddock, The (1899)
Palmer-McGovern Fight, The (1899)
Panorama at Grant's Tomb, Dewey Naval Procession (1899)
Panorama du port de Saint-Helier (1899)
Panorama from the Tower of the Brooklyn Bridge (1899)
Panorama of Calcutta (1899)
Panoramic View of Brooklyn Bridge (1899)
Panoramic View of Frere Camp Taken from the Front of an Armoured Train (1899)
Panoramic View of Manila Harbor (1899)
Panoramic View of Niagara Falls (1899)
Panoramic View of Niagara Falls in Winter (1899)
Panoramic View of Olympia in New York Harbor (1899)
Panoramic View of the Dewey Arch, New York City (1899)
Panoramic View of Windsor Castle (1899)
Panoramic View, Horseshoe Curve, from Penna. Ltd. (1899)
Panoramic View, Horseshoe Curve, Penna. R.R., No. 2 (1899)
Parade in Providence, R.I. (1899)
Parke Davis' Employees (1899)
Paseo en la Alameda de Mexico, domingo de mediodia (1899)
Paseo en Santa Anita (1899)
Passengers on Port Side S.S. 'St. Louis' (1899)
Passing Needles: S.S. 'St. Louis' (1899)
Passing Steamboat and Great Eastern Rocks (1899)
Patriot's Day Parade (1899)
Peintre facétieux (1899)
Phillis Was Not Dressed to Receive Callers (1899)
Pianka and Her Lions (1899)
Pick-pocket et policeman (1899)
Pictures Incidental to Yacht Race (1899)
Pierre philosphale, La (1899)
Pilot Boats in New York Harbor (1899)
Pisutoru goto Shimizu Sadakichi (1899)
Pity the Blind (1899)
Plate of Ice Cream and Two Spoons, A (1899)
Plowing Snow in the Park (1899)
Poker at Dawson City (1899)
Pole Vaulting at Columbia University (1899)
Police Boats and Pleasure Craft on Way to 'Olympia' (1899)
Police Drill (1899)
Polo: A Dash for Goal (1899)
Polo: Hurlingham vs. Ranelagh (1899)
Port Huron; West End of St. Clair Tunnel (1899)
Portrait mystérieux, Le (1899)
Poster Girls and the Hypnotist, The (1899)
Poster Girls, The (1899)
Prentis Trio, The (1899)
Presentation of Loving Cup at City Hall, New York (1899)
Presentation of Nation's Sword to Admiral Dewey (1899)
President and Mrs. McKinley (1899)
President McKinley (1899)
President McKinley and Mayor Ashbridge of Philadelphia (1899)
President McKinley and Wife, Members of His Cabinet and Their Wives and Capt. Coghlan Leaving the Cruiser Raleigh (1899)
President McKinley Reviewing the Troops (1899)
Presidente de la republica despidiendose de los secretarios de estado en Chapultepec (1899)
Presidente general Porfirio Diaz y sus ministros, El (1899)
Prestidigitador Mongrand, El (1899)
Price of a Kiss, The (1899)
Pride of the Household, The (1899)
Princes of Wales (King Edward VII) at the Aldershot Review, The (1899)
Prins Christian og prinsesse Alexandrine leger med den lille prins Frederik (1899)
Procissão da Semana Santa, A (1899)
Prof. Paul Boynton Feeding His Sea Lions (1899)
Professor Billy Opperman's Swimming School (1899)
Professor's Fall from Grace, The (1899)
Providence Fire Department (1899)
Pyramide de Triboulet, La (1899)
Pack Mules with Ammunition on the Santiago Trail, Cuba (1898)
Pack Train at Chilkoot Pass (1898)
Packing Ammunition on Mules, Cuba (1898)
Panorama Ljubljane (1898)
Panorama of Indian Scenes & Procession, A (1898)
Panorama pris d'un train en marche (1898)
Panoramic View of Camp Wikoff (1898)
Parade of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, No. 1 (1898)
Parade of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, No. 2 (1898)
Parade of Chinese (1898)
Parade of Coaches (1898)
Parade of Marines, U.S. Cruiser, 'Brooklyn' (1898)
Passion Play (1898)
Passion Play of Oberammergau, The (1898)
Pea-Hulling Machine (1898)
Peace Jubilee Naval Parade, New York City (1898)
Peace Parade, Chicago (1898)
Peinture à l'envers (1898)
Pelea de gallos (1898)
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts (1898)
Pere cotte (1898)
Philadelphia City Troop and a Company of Roosevelt's Rough Riders (1898)
Philadelphia Letter Carriers (1898)
Photographing a Ghost (1898)
Photography (1898)
Picking Oranges (1898)
Pile Drivers; Tampa, Fla. (1898/I)
Pile Drivers; Tampa, Fla. (1898/II)
Pillow Fight (1898)
Pilot Boat 'New York' (1898)
Playing Horse (1898)
Police Boats Escorting Naval Parade (1898)
Policeman, the Cook and the Copper, The (1898)
Policemen Play No Favorites (1898)
Poona Races 1898 (1898)
Poor Landing, A (1898)
Poor Start, A (1898)
Pope Leo XIII and Count Pecci, No. 1 (1898)
Pope Leo XIII Approaching Garden (1898)
Pope Leo XIII Attended by Guard (1898)
Pope Leo XIII Being Carried in Chair Through Upper Loggia, No. 101 (1898)
Pope Leo XIII Being Seated Bestowing Blessing Surrounded by Swiss Guards, No. 107 (1898)
Pope Leo XIII Blessing in the Garden (1898)
Pope Leo XIII Giving Blessing from Chair (1898)
Pope Leo XIII in Canopy Chair, No. 100 (1898)
Pope Leo XIII in Carriage (1898)
Pope Leo XIII in Carriage, No. 1 (1898)
Pope Leo XIII in Carriage, No. 102 (1898)
Pope Leo XIII in Sedan Chair, No. 1 (1898)
Pope Leo XIII in Vatican Garden, No. 1 (1898)
Pope Leo XIII Leaving Carriage and Being Ushered Into Garden, No. 104 (1898)
Pope Leo XIII Passing Through Upper Loggia, No. 1 (1898)
Pope Leo XIII Preparing to Give Blessing from Chair (1898)
Pope Leo XIII Resting on His Way to His Summer Villa (1898)
Pope Leo XIII Seated in Garden (1898)
Pope Leo XIII Seated in Garden, No. 105 (1898)
Pope Leo XIII Walking at Twilight, No. 1 (1898)
Pope Leo XIII Walking Before Kneeling Guards (1898)
Pope Leo XIII Walking in the Garden (1898)
Pope Leo XIII, No. 106 (1898)
Pope Leo XIII, No. 31-56 (1898)
Pope Leo XIII, No. 57-82 (1898)
Practical Joke, A (1898)
Practice Warfare (1898)
Precarious Position, A (1898)
Prenez garde à la peinture (1898)
President Faure Shooting Pheasants (1898)
President Kruger (1898)
President McKinley and Cabinet at Camp Alger, May 28, 1898 (1898)
President McKinley's Inspection of Camp Wikoff (1898)
Procession of Armenian Monks, Including the Abbot-Archbishop St. Lazar, Venice (1898)
Procession of Floats (1898)
Procession of Mounted Indians and Cowboys (1898)
Providence Commandery, Providence, R.I. (1898)
Punch and Judy (1898)
Pygmalion et Galathée (1898)
Paced Bicycle Race, A (1897)
Palestina en 1896, La (1897)
Panorama des rives du Nil (1897)
Panorama of Susquehanna River Taken from the Black Diamond Express (1897)
Panorama van een stad genomen vanop een boot (1897)
Panoramic View in the Grand Canal, A (1897)
Panoramic View of Grand Canal (1897)
Panoramic View of Venice (1897)
Parada en Palacio (1897)
Parademarsch des ersten Garde-Regiments zu Fuß (1897)
Parademarsch des Garde du Corps mit den Standarten (1897)
Parademarsch des Garde-Train-Bataillons (1897)
Parisian Dance (1897)
Parisien se lève, Le (1897)
Parisienne Girls (1897)
Parisiennes, Les (1897)
Part of Inaugural Parade, Washington, A (1897)
Partie de cartes (1897)
Passage dangereux au Mont-Blanc (1897)
Passaic Falls (1897)
Patinadores no Palácio de Cristal no Porto, Os (1897)
Paulus chantant 'Coquin de printemps' (1897)
Paulus chantant 'Derrière l'omnibus' (1897)
Paulus chantant 'En revenant d'la revue' (1897)
Paulus chantant 'Père la victoire' (1897)
Paulus chantant Duellist marsellais (1897)
Peeping Tom (1897)
Pelea de gallos en Guadalajara (1897)
Pelicans at the Zoo (1897)
Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C. (1897)
Pennsylvania State Militia, Double Time (1897)
Pennsylvania State Militia, Single Time (1897)
Petit frère et petite soeur (1897)
Petite Adélaïde, La (1897)
Philadelphia City Hall, The (1897)
Philadelphia Express, Jersey Central Railway (1897)
Philadelphia Police on Parade (1897)
Pickanninies Dance (1897)
Picnic, The (1897)
Pie Eating Contest (1897)
Pie-Eating Contest (1897)
Pierrot et la mouche (1897)
Pierrot et le fantôme (1897)
Pile Driving, Washington Navy Yard (1897)
Pillow Fight (1897)
Pillow Fight, A (1897)
Place de Brouckère (1897)
Place de l'Opéra (1897)
Place de la Concorde (1897)
Plaguing Grandpa (1897)
Planton du colonel, Le (1897)
Playing Doctor (1897)
Plongeurs à Tervuren, Les (1897)
Police Patrol Wagon (1897)
Pongo (1897)
Premiers pas de bébé (1897)
President Cleveland and President McKinley (1897)
President McKinley at Home (1897)
President McKinley's Address (1897)
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