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Portrait of Lady Anne, The (1912)
Portuguese Joe (1912)
Post Telegrapher, The (1912)
Postman, The (1912)
Poule enragée, La (1912)
Poupée hollandaise, La (1912)
Poupée tyrolienne, La (1912)
Pour fêter Rosalie (1912)
Pour la couronne (1912)
Pour sauver Madame (1912)
Pour son seigneur (1912)
Pour voir les moukères (1912)
Power Behind the Throne, The (1912)
Power of a Hymn, The (1912)
Power of Conscience, The (1912)
Power of Love, The (1912)
Power of Melody, The (1912)
Power of Silence, The (1912)
Power of Thought (1912)
Prayers of Manuelo, The (1912)
Preacher and the Gossip, The (1912)
Prekrasnaya Lyukanida (1912)
Premier duel de Fouinard, Le (1912)
Presa di Zuara, La (1912)
Present for Her Husband, A (1912)
Price He Paid, The (1912)
Price of a Silver Fox, The (1912)
Price of Art, The (1912)
Price of Big Bob's Silence, The (1912)
Price of Money, The (1912)
Price of Peace, The (1912)
Prince Charming (1912)
Princep's Ghat (1912)
Princess of the Hills, A (1912)
Priscilla's Capture (1912)
Prison Ship, The (1912)
Prison sur le gouffre, La (1912)
Prisoner of the Harem, A (1912)
Prisoner of War, A (1912)
Prisoner's Story, The (1912)
Prize Essay, The (1912)
Prize Package, A (1912)
Prière de l'enfant, La (1912)
Problem in Reduction, A (1912)
Problematische Naturen (1912)
Procession (1912)
Processo Clémenceau, Il (1912)
Prodigal Daughter, The (1912)
Prodigal Son, The (1912)
Professor and the Lady, The (1912)
Professor Georg Brandes paa Universitetets Katheder (1912)
Professor Optimo (1912)
Professor's Daughters, The (1912)
Professor's Dilemma, The (1912)
Professor's Son, The (1912)
Professor's Wooing, The (1912)
Promessa di Sua Eccellenza, La (1912)
Promise, The (1912)
Prophet Without Honor (1912)
Proposal Under Difficulties, A (1912)
Proscrit, Le (1912)
Prosecuting Attorney, The (1912)
Prospector's Daughter, The (1912)
Prospector's Legacy, The (1912)
Prospector, The (1912)
Protection of the Cross, The (1912)
Przesady (1912)
Préméditation (1912)
Pseudo Sultan (1912)
Public and Private Care of Infants, The (1912)
Pueblo Legend, A (1912)
Pueblo Romance, A (1912)
Pugilist and the Girl, The (1912)
Puits 313, Le (1912)
Pulque Pete and the Opera Troupe (1912)
Pundalik (1912)
Punishment, The (1912)
Puppe, Die (1912)
Puppet's Hour, The (1912)
Puppets of Fate (1912)
Pursued by Priscilla (1912)
Purzel als Tennisspieler (1912)
Put Yourself in His Place (1912)
Páter és a Péter, A (1912)
Pénard et le faux Rigadin (1912)
Pétronille gagne le grand steeple (1912)
Padre, The (1911)
Paid Back (1911)
Pain des petits oiseaux, Le (1911)
Painter's Idyl, A (1911)
Pair of Antique Vases, A (1911)
Pair of New Boots, A (1911)
Paix du foyer, La (1911)
Paix du vieil ermite, La (1911)
Pal's Oath, A (1911)
Pals (1911)
Paola and Francesca (1911)
Papa printemps (1911)
Papa's Letter (1911)
Papa's Sweetheart (1911)
Par habitude (1911)
Par respect de l'enfant (1911)
Paradise Lost (1911)
Pardon, Le (1911)
Parfum troublant (1911)
Parson and the Bully, The (1911)
Parson's Wife, The (1911)
Pas de deux och Brahms ungerska danser (1911)
Pasha's Daughter, The (1911)
Passante, La (1911)
Passions of an Egyptian Princess, The (1911)
Pat Clancy's Adventure (1911)
Patouillard a mangé du homard (1911)
Patouillard a peur des bombes (1911)
Patouillard agent cycliste (1911)
Patouillard apprend à nager (1911)
Patouillard blanchisseur (1911)
Patouillard bonne d'enfants (1911)
Patouillard colleur d'affiches (1911)
Patouillard commissaire (1911)
Patouillard crieur de journaux (1911)
Patouillard défendu par sa femme (1911)
Patouillard déménage (1911)
Patouillard empereur du Sahara (1911)
Patouillard entraîneur et jockey (1911)
Patouillard et l'ours policier (1911)
Patouillard et sa vache (1911)
Patouillard et son ami (1911)
Patouillard fait de l'équitation (1911)
Patouillard fait du Sandow (1911)
Patouillard fait du triporteur (1911)
Patouillard fait son pain (1911)
Patouillard fantôme (1911)
Patouillard garde-chasse (1911)
Patouillard n'aime pas l'eau (1911)
Patouillard ordonnance par amour (1911)
Patouillard paie ses dettes (1911)
Patouillard perd son oncle (1911)
Patouillard prend des vues cinématographiques (1911)
Patouillard représentant en mâts de Cocagne (1911)
Patouillard toréador (1911)
Patouillard visite une prison (1911)
Patouillard vétérinaire (1911)
Patouillard égare sa belle-mère (1911)
PC Hawkeye Leaves the Force (1911)
PC Hawkeye's Busy Day (1911)
Peace Offering; or, The Absconding Bridget, The (1911)
Peasants and the Fairy, The (1911)
Peau de l'ours, La (1911)
Peggy, the Moonshiner's Daughter (1911)
Penniless Prince, The (1911)
Pensée de l'enfant, La (1911)
Per la tua bambina (1911)
Perceurs de murailles, Les (1911)
Percy, the Masher (1911)
Peril of the Plains, The (1911)
Perilous Ride, A (1911)
Perlen bedeuten Tränen (1911)
Pesnya katorzhanina (1911)
Petit Willy défie Jim Jackson (1911)
Petit Willy fait l'école buissonnière (1911)
Petit Willy soigne la neurasthénie de son oncle (1911)
Petite Béarnaise, La (1911)
Petites apprenties, Les (1911)
Petticoat Sheriff, The (1911)
Peur des ombres, La (1911)
Pharos the Wonder Worker (1911)
Philémon et Baucis (1911)
Phone 1707 Chester (1911)
Picciola; or, The Prison Flower (1911)
Piccolo spazzacamino, Il (1911)
Pickpocket mystifié, Le (1911)
Picnic, The (1911)
Pictureland (1911)
Piece of String, The (1911)
Pied Piper of Hamelin, The (1911)
Pierre de lune, La (1911)
Pietà di mamma (1911)
Pillars of Society, The (1911)
Pinocchio (1911)
Pipe d'opium, La (1911)
Pirates of 1920 (1911)
Piste argentée, La (1911)
Piège à loups, Le (1911)
Plot Against Bertie, The (1911)
Plum Pudding Stakes, The (1911)
Plumber, The (1911)
Pod vlastyu luny (1911)
Poet of the People, The (1911)
Poison Cup, The (1911)
Poison de l'humanité, Le (1911)
Poison du professeur Rouff, Le (1911)
Poison Label, The (1911)
Poison, Le (1911)
Poisoned Flume, The (1911)
Polish and Pie (1911)
Polished Burglar, A (1911)
Politician's Dream, The (1911)
Polly the Girl Scout (1911)
Poor Sick Men, The (1911)
Poorluck's Excursion Tickets (1911)
Portatrice di pane, La (1911)
Portrait, The (1911)
Pot de confitures, Le (1911)
Pouce, Le (1911)
Poupée de l'orpheline, La (1911)
Poupée japonaise, La (1911)
Pour l'empereur (1911)
Pour la patrie (1911)
Pour voir Paris (1911)
Power of Good, The (1911)
Power of Love, The (1911)
Prehistoric Man, The (1911)
Prejudice of Pierre Marie (1911)
Premier cigare de Willy, Le (1911)
Premier pas, Le (1911)
Premier tour d'Europe (1911)
Première cerise, La (1911)
Present from India, A (1911)
Pressentiment, Le (1911)
Price of a Man, The (1911)
Price of Gold, The (1911)
Price of Vanity, The (1911)
Priest's Burden, The (1911)
Primal Call, The (1911)
Primitive Man's Career to Civilization, A (1911)
Prince and the Pumps, The (1911)
Princess Clementina (1911)
Priscilla and the Pequot (1911)
Priscilla and the Umbrella (1911)
Priscilla's April Fool Joke (1911)
Priscilla's Engagement Ring (1911)
Prisoner of Mexico, A (1911)
Prisoner of the Mohicans, A (1911)
Privatsekretæren (1911)
Professor and the New Hat, The (1911)
Professor's Ward, The (1911)
Profligate, The (1911)
Prompt Payment (1911)
Propaganda para Pino Suárez (1911)
Proving His Love; or, The Ruse of a Beautiful Woman (1911)
Puente de la muerte, El (1911)
Pulgarcito (1911)
Pull for the Shore, Sailor! (1911)
Puncher's Law, The (1911)
Puncher's New Love, The (1911)
Purgatorio (1911)
Puritan Courtship, A (1911)
Putting It Over (1911)
Puñado de rosas, El (1911)
Pygmalion and Galatia (1911)
Pacte, Le (1910)
Padre's Secret, The (1910)
Paganini (1910)
Paillasse (1910)
Pair of Schemers; or, My Wife and My Uncle, A (1910)
Pals (1910)
Pals of the Range (1910)
Par un jour de carnaval (1910)
Para domar la suegra (1910)
Parada militar en el paseo (1910)
Parade of the Volunteer Firemen of Westchester County and Vicinity (1910)
Pardners (1910)
Pardon de l'offense, Le (1910)
Pardon des poupées, Le (1910)
Pari de Lord Robert, Le (1910)
Paris-Bruxelles en aéroplane (1910)
Parted to Meet Again (1910)
Passing of a Grouch, The (1910)
Pater, Le (1910)
Patouillard amoureux (1910)
Patricia of the Plains (1910)
Paul and Virginia (1910)
Paz e Amor (1910)
Peacemaker, The (1910)
Peddling Patrick Pinches Poultry (1910)
Peder Tordenskjold (1910)
Peg Woffington (1910)
Peintre néo-impressionniste, Le (1910)
Pendaison à Jefferson City (1910)
Percy the Cowboy (1910)
Perdono, Il (1910)
Perfectly Formed Woman, The (1910)
Perils of the Plains (1910)
Persuading Papa (1910)
Perversity of Fate, The (1910)
Pesca do Bacalhau, A (1910)
Petite fille aveugle, La (1910)
Petite maman, La (1910)
Petite mère (1910)
Petite étoile (1910)
Petites mains qui sauvent, Les (1910)
Phoenix, The (1910)
Pia de' Tolomei (1910)
Picture Thieves, The (1910)
Pierrot aime les roses (1910)
Pigeonne, La (1910)
Pigs Is Pigs (1910)
Pikovaya dama (1910)
Pillole portentose (1910)
Plain Song, A (1910)
Plans of the Fortress, The (1910)
Playing at Divorce (1910)
Playing Truant (1910)
Playwright's Love, The (1910)
Plechtige opening van de wetgevende Kamer op 8 november 1910 in aanwezigheid van de vorsten (1910)
Plucky American Girl, A (1910)
Plucky Lad, A (1910)
Plus de progrès (1910)
Pobre Valbuena, El (1910)
Pocahontas (1910)
Polyeucte (1910)
Pony Express Rider, The (1910)
Poor Pa Pays (1910)
Poorluck's First Tiff, The (1910)
Poorlucks Take Part in a Pageant, The (1910)
Portero modelo, Un (1910)
Portrait ovale, Le (1910)
Post en de boerderij van Doma, De (1910)
Postman, The (1910)
Potache amoureux, Le (1910)
Poupée de Marie-Ange, La (1910)
Pour l'honneur (1910)
Pour les beaux yeux de la voisine (1910)
Pour maman (1910)
Present for His Wife, A (1910)
Presentación de Rodolfo Gaona en la plaza del toreo (1910)
Pressed Roses (1910)
Pride of the Range (1910)
Prima bicicletta de Robinet, La (1910)
Princess and the Peasant, The (1910)
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